Alli Thurmond Quinlan is an architect, landscape architect, and small infill developer. Shefounded and runs Flintlock Ltd Co (a multi-disciplinary design practice) and FlintlockDevelopment (an urban infill real estate development company) in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Shealso served on the Fayetteville Planning Commission and the Construction Board of Appeals, aswell as being known to occasionally teach urban design with a focus on advanced grading andstormwater in the Landscape Architecture Department of the Fay Jones School of Design at theUniversity of Arkansas.
Alli grew up on a large working cattle ranch in western Oklahoma and believes strongly in beinghands-on in your farm. She believes that small developers have the potential to be advocatesfor their neighborhoods, leading the redevelopment of communities in a way that protects andincludes long time residents while welcoming new, diverse neighbors. As part of this approach,she recently completed a tactical urbanism project to make walking to the community centereasier for neighborhood kids, located nearby to Flintlock Developmentās South St Cottages.
Working as in a range of roles (architect, land planner, owner, developer, and city administrator)over a wide variety of development projects has taught Alli to cut through the voodoo of proformas and zoning / building code to create beautiful, lovable, walkable projects that makesense for communities and make money for investors. Her work solo and with the University ofArkansas Community Design Center has been honored with national and international awardsfrom the Congress for New Urbanism, the American Society of Landscape Architects, theAmerican Institute of Architects, Architizer, and the American Planning Association.